This weekend was blistering hot!! Lots of storms during the week, some were pretty destructive, and then the 100° temperatures and Washington humidity hit. So what to do on a hot, hot day? Well, since there was one last box to plant, and a new pile of vermiculite, peat moss, and compost calling to me, the thing to do was mix some more Mel’s mix and plant the final box. So that’s what I did….and boy, was it hot!

This one has my eggplant seedlings, cilantro from the farmers market, and kale. In the other boxes, I was also able to plant some additional basil and cilantro seedlings which came in my CSA box. You can never have too much basil or cilantro!

Just 2 weeks ago, I planted the baby corn and beans. It’s amazing just how fast they sprouted, and now they are growing like crazy.

These little guys certainly will be “knee high by the fourth of July”, as the saying goes. Of course, that may be as big as they get! Right now, they seem to be about the same size as the beans.

And, finally a little harvest. Some radishes!! Look at these little beauties!!

My original plan for this blog was to also share the recipes that I use to prepare the harvest, and I did think about how I could prepare these little guys. I actually found a recipe for a radish sandwich. In the end, though, I decided to just wash them, sprinkle them with a little course salt, and eat them!