This week has been quite cool most days and only a little rainy. I had just a bit over a half an inch of rain in the garden, most of it soft and soaking. During one thunderstorm, however, the rain was hard enough to unearth many of the newly planted peas so they had to be replanted. But, in general, the weather has been nice and cool for the lettuces, spinach and peas, and everything has responded.
Last week, when cleaning out the garden, one of the 'surprises' I found was this little lettuce plant from last year. It was doing very well...until Shelby decided that the most comfortable place to sit in all the garden was right there! Funny that it could survive the whole winter, amidst the weeds and frost and cold, but maybe not survive one very old lab.
Fortunately, it has survived! At least so far!
Early in May, I had gotten several San Marzano tomato seedlings and a couple of tomatillo seedlings at the Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival. I really didn't plan to set them outside until early June, but they have been growing rapidly - too rapidly - so I decided to set them out this weekend, even though I am afraid it is a little too cool for them.
Even the tomatillo went outside.
So, naturally, now that they are planted outside, there were frost predictions for last night!! I'm sure the bunnies were wondering what was going on with the tent in the garden, but at least these old sheets would keep the frost off the plants. As it turned out, it never got quite as cold as was predicted.
This morning, I found these water teepee's that I had purchased years ago, when I got the idea to start my tomatoes much earlier in the garden (of course, I never did, so they were still new in the package!). These plastic sleeves are filled with water, so they will soak up the heat from the sun during the day and release it to keep the plants warm at night. It should help to regulate the temperatures for the tomatoes, while the peas, spinach and lettuces enjoy the cooler weather.
1 comment:
Great looking progress. I love the tent and the water thingys!!
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