Friday, June 10, 2016

Pea-picking time

It must be time to starting picking these sugar snap peas...if for no reason other than they are now escaping from the garden!

Sugar Snap Peas
Somewhere inside all those vines is a pea tower, with the strings for the peas to grow up. When I first planted them, I was afraid of the deer or the bunnies coming along and snacking on the very tender pea shoots, so I put fencing around them to give them a change to grow. As they grew, some of the peas actually started climbing on the fence instead so I never took it down.  I think the fence was holding them up towards the end.

Wednesday, I picked my first batch to have for dinner.

First picking of peas

There were more that were ready to pick but I left them for another day to keep fresh.  I will probably only be able to do that for another couple of days though, I don't want them to get past their prime.

Anyway, my favorite way to eat sugar snap peas, other than raw right off the plant, is very lightly stir fried.  So for Wednesday's dinner, I had some carrots, red onions, asparagus from my farmers market, and baby yellow squash, also from my farmers market.  I also had a little broccoli and some sirloin steak, but less colorful so didn't make the picture!

Stir-fry veggies

For the stir fry sauce, I used the Pioneer Woman's recipe for stir-fried veggies:

It was pretty tasty.  It also helped me figure out how to scale this down to be just enough for 2 people - this was actually enough for 3 people since I put it over rice..

Stir fry

Last night, since I was by myself for dinner, I decide to stir fry some more peas.  For this one, I didn't use a recipe.  I just stir fried some peas and shrimp with garlic and tossed it over home made lemon pepper pasta that I got from the Wednesday farmers market.  A sprinkle of parm on top and this was amazing!!!

And since I cooked up the whole pound of pasta, I might even do this again tonight!

Shrimp and Sugar Snap Pea Pasta Stir-fry

1 comment:

Retired Knitter said...

I have never tried to cook them. There are never any left to cook because I eat them raw so quickly. I'll have to try them stir fried sometime.