Ok, well not really, but it was in the mid 50’s and for a few hours, there was a bit of a break in the clouds that provided some sun. So all in all, it was as good a gardening day as I can expect here in Lucketts in February.

Does this look like a planting bed ready for the new season?? Perhaps not. Because this garden has always gotten away from me each year, my gardening season always has to begin with Clean Up. I know, that is supposed to be the last step of last years garden…putting the garden to bed. But, as you can see, it didn’t quite get done.
So, with my trusty helper, Saturday was the start of pulling, prepping and raking.
And the final result....

If you happened to be passing by Lucketts on Saturday, you probably would have wondered what that fresh, minty smell was. There was an overgrown mint plant, left over from last summer's Mojitos that just needed to go. The mint had managed to fill one of the boxes I will be converting to a SFG, even infiltrating my sage. It will be impossible to keep the mint from coming back without totally emptying the box so it looks like the sage will be finding a new home after all…maybe in a planter.

Doesn't Selby look good in the garden!
ooops, sorry Shelby
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