Well, this is how it happens! A flurry of activity, then something happens to distract me, and I fall behind. But the warm weather and the buds on the trees remind me that there is gardening to be done. Not to mention the tray of scraggly seedlings….

So, for this week, I will have some catch-up time. The tray of seedlings has gotten really scraggly. I’m not sure why, they are under a grow light so light should not have been a problem. They are in a seed tray that is designed to wick the moisture to them so watering should not have been a problem. I tried giving them a weak feeding…I don’t know, maybe it is overcrowding. The right thing to do is probably to throw them out and begin again. After all, I do have time. But for some reason, I just can’t do that. So they all get one more chance…in their own larger pots. Last chance, guys....don't blow it! Next stop is the trash!!
This weekend is Easter so there will be no time to continue outside work on the actual garden. There is always time, though, for a walk in the yard. This is my favorite time of the year. So many memories from previous years plantings poking their heads up for another season. My very first year in this house, I planted bleeding hearts. They have been moved all around the yard over the years, but they always come up, every year, no matter where I put them.
Another year, I planed Virginia Bluebells. They have never been moved, they just come back a little more each year.
I think we are past the cold winter months. More nice days will mean more opportunities to get this garden planted! And more returning friends....

1 comment:
Yeah! Another entry. Do any of those old favorite in your yard thrive in shade? If so, let me know. If you decide to thin them out, I might be able to give some of them a home in my back yard.
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