It looks like I have a few survivors after all.

Some of the lettuces didn’t quite make it, and all of the basil did not survive. It’s sad but not too terrible as there is still plenty of time for me to get in some additional lettuce plants and new basil. It is, after all, just April. But just look at this happy broccoli!! It’s amazing what bigger pots and a little feeding could do for the broccoli and cabbage seedlings. They are continuing to grow stronger and larger, as is a whole tray of parsley seedlings so I have begun to set them out each day for a few hours in the morning sun.
This weekend, I will plant more lettuce and basil. In fact, I may start most eveything else. I have started calling around to find a source for vermiculite – a necessary ingrediant in the Square Foot Garden model. Hmmm, this is not going to be quite as easy as I thought. I had no luck today finding a local source, although I did find a place where I can order it online. You just gotta love the Internet!!
In the meantime, spring has continued to awaken so many of my favorites….

The deer will be so happy to see the Hostas returning, bigger each year!
The Virginia Bluebells are just starting to flower.
My most favorite of all…my peonies….always glad to see them…
And finally, I just had to include this picture...
It is not the best picture, I didn’t have a tripod set up for the zoom, and I had to shoot through the glass – which of course, was dirty – but look closely. It seems that my squirrel buddy doesn’t understand that the large plastic top is a squirrel guard, not a shelter from the rain. Oh well….
1 comment:
They do look very healthy - we are very behind - have a few things started and the rest just ordered!
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