Saturday was a beautiful, sunny day. It was such a nice day that an early morning trip to the farmers market turned into a trip to Home Depot, where we did not find any compost, followed by a trip to Southern States in Purcellville, where we found not only compost, but a tray of seedlings, and ended with a trip to the Kubota tractor store. The results of this excursion were basil, one jalapeno plant, 4 tomato plants, 6 mystery plants and the bug to buy a tractor.

Wait….mystery plants?? Well, they look like broccoli to me, but they were not marked. The sales clerk agreed with me that they looked like broccoli, although according to her, they could also be cauliflower. I like broccoli…I like cauliflower….and a little mystery in the garden could be fun. So I brought the plants home and planted them in the most recently prepared bed. What do you think they are?

A major step forward for me is the fact that there were only 4 tomato plants!! There is one Brandywine – my favorite – and one Mortgage Lifter. Also, one Roma tomato and one yellow tomato. And no cherry tomatoes at all!!!

Today was also moving day for the sage/mint monster. It was a pretty big job but the whole corner of the one box was dug up and moved to the box that is home for the thyme. Some of the mint went into the wheelbarrow to be dumped in the woods. It will undoubtedly grow there; earlier, when I was dumping some other weeds, I found a large patch of mint growing in the dark woods behind my house, where you wouldn't think a sun-loving plant could grow. I got this sudden mental image of, years from now, mint covering the entire 5 acres. Hmm, it will be mojito heaven!

Now, 3 of the square boxes and one rectangular box are prepped and planted. They will enjoy the rainy Sunday we are having today. The first to poke through is this radish...salad is on the way!

The old guy has been a constant gardening companion. Oh, and that tall grass in the background?? Yes, that is the front yard. That is what grass can look like when you hire someone to cut it - hense the trip to the tractor store. I think there is a Kubota B7610, with a 60-inch mower deck and a front end loader in my future!! Oh, the gardening possibilities that would open up!